Saturday, October 21, 2006

World Series Fashion Faceoff!

Today marks the beginning of the MLB's World Series. This year the Detroit Tigers and St. Louis Cardinals will be facing off for the title. But which team wins in my book? Let's have a look at the style these teams are rockin':

First up to bat (bring on the cheesy sports clichés!) are the boys from STL-

Let's see, just in case you get confused, they put their mascot on their jerseys. I guess it's the equivalent of Coach covering every square inch of their purses with big Cs. Way to brand yourself STL!

It appears they also like to sport ugly sock hats. Bad move guys.

Then there are the Tigers-

Pretty standard fare. Unflattering as usual. But look at that athletic ability, these guys could be their own cheerleaders! (Side note, why doesn't baseball have cheerleaders? Are they not as cool as basketball and football? They could call the squad the "Bat Girls" and use bats as props. Yeah, I guess baseball is trying to take the classy route and not employ former strippers to entertain drunks.)

But they do have some snazzy accessories to prove that your love for the game is stronger than your normally good fashion sense. Rock that Tigers bling!

My Pick: The Detroit Tigers... the Spirit of Detroit statue can't be wrong!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh but they DO employ (former?) strippers to entertain the drunks... they're called 'girlfriends' ;o)