Thursday, November 09, 2006

Caffeine Couture

Things are looking up in Collegetown. Next semester my caffeine-wired dreams will be answered: Starbucks is coming! Oh, my friends and I have waited for this day for too long.

I'm sure some people will be annoyed about a "corporate" business setting up shop but a little competition might help us all out. Consider the current alternatives:

CTB (Collegetown Bagels for those of you not in the loop)

This has to be the most inefficient operation ever. I always end up waiting forever to get my food or coffee. This even mysteriously happens when no one is waiting. The pluses are that you always see friends there since it is so close to campus and it's also a nice place to have sangria! (If you can snag a table on those elusive nice Ithaca days.)
Rating: Two Espresso Shots (out of five). Good for hanging out, not for getting your daily fix.

Gimme! Coffee

Very Ithacan, they even have a booth at the Farmers Market. I always feel like I should be wearing organic clothing to go to these. The coffee has always been great. Too be honest, they are just too far to make it worth my trip. The closest one is up on the Ag Quad, no thanks.
Rating: Three and a Half Espresso Shots. Nice beans, bad locations.


Stella’s CafĂ© is dark, moody, and full of people intensely studying. Their service is usually pretty fast which is always good in my book. I don't fit into their "downtown hipness" mold enough to actually enjoy a latte there.
Rating: Three and a Half Espresso Shots. The anti-CTB.

See you next semester Starbucks! Please have my Grande cappuccino ready and waiting.

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