Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Right to Party

With so many types of parties out there, it is easy to concoct a flimsy reason to celebrate. Like those people who go out every Wednesday simply because it is “hump day.” Gross. Better to admit you are an alky like Lindsey Lohan. Anyway, I was recently invited to a “State of the Union Watching Party.” This tops my list of lamest reasons to throw a party. (Does it even count as a “party”?) Much to my chagrin my boyfriend has also been invited to this odd breed of gathering. What? There is more than one of these things?!

According to my research, January 31st is also “Backward Day,” “Inspire Your Heart with Art Day,” and the day that the twist off bottle cap was invented. All three of these are a better theme for a party. Who does not want to see someone wearing his or her shirt backward? Kris Kross must have loved this holiday. Or someone attempting to finger paint after a few too many shots? Remember to save the painting in case the individual becomes well known! The twist off cap lends itself well to a party too. (Think of all the beers to choose from.) At least these themes are more amusing than deconstructing the geo-political situation in the Middle East. I hear that every day!

I can only picture this so-called party panning out if an element of fun was introduced. I suggest going with the tried-and-true drinking game. It would be ridiculously easy to set up. Just take certain phases, words, or missteps and assign some amount of drinking or funny task. For example, every time the President mentions the word “surge” take a shot. When he mispronounces a word put your hand on your head. The last person that notices the mistake has to chug a beer. See? So simple! We are in college people. Save your analysis for Wednesday’s meeting of GOVT 316.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can try my drinking game...